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The ONLY authorized Direct Insight distributor in North America

EKM Insight

The world's leading managed print service (MPS) software supplier with over 20 years of experience in delivering dramatic performance improvement for companies, enterprises, managed service providers, OEM manufacturers, resellers, and wholesalers.


With over 1,000 resellers and 2 million devices globally, we help our customers optimize their printing and imaging resources and operations using advanced service delivery automation software to help them save money and time and improve efficiency and effectiveness.  By applying established ITSM and ITIL principles our platforms have since extended to incorporate all classes of technology asset by enabling highly automated SaaS subscription, including remote service management too.


"EKM Global is committed to delivering the best possible service and support to all our customers as seen in our 100% 'excellent' support feedback over the last 2 years.  Our own team of dedicated developers are focuses on adding new innovative features at every release of EKM Insight."

- Ian Silvester, Director of Product, EKM Global



Automate your meter collections, consumables replenishment, and service alerts.



Predictive consumables algorithms reduce costs and give you total control of your consumables replenishment.



Reduce your service and support costs.



Highly secure military-grade transmission algorithm with store and forward.

Drive higher value sales at the lowest possible cost to secure maximum profits with minimal levels of inventory in the field

With EKM Insight you can either give your customers new or better value at significantly lower operational cost by using fewer resources and driving out more consumables wastage than any other industry approach.

A great opportunity for you

You can monitor, manage, and even fully automate your customer’s equipment, meter collection, volume usage billing, consumable supplies, and proactively manage service delivery. 

How InSight can meet customer needs, set your team up for success and keep your business in sync.

  Intelligent Data Collector, cleans data at the collector.

  Optimized Data Collection, only collects required data when necessary, massively reduces network loading.

  Predictive consumables algorithms

  Predictive maintenance Information

  Accurate normalized meters for simplified billing

  HP SDS 2.0 certified: including Predictive Maintenance, configuration, USB, EWS, ILSB (Inline Scan Bar),and remote remediation.


  • A scalable solution - EKM Insight can easily integrate with customer IT service desks, as well as supplier ERP systems for highly efficient business process management automation.  Being more Reliable, Accurate, and Secure, EKM Insight can manage thousands of devices at multiple sites under a single aggregated system with minimal impact on network performance management resources.
  • Optimized to suit your customer's business - and your service provider business - EKM Insight enables you to provide a powerful, intuitive, managed print service that allows you to tailor your services to your customer's business.  EKM Insight offers comprehensive tools to help you achieve a quality managed solution approach, focused on having printers managed just like any other IT service.  It works with devices from any manufacturer, with little overhead.
  • Minimal management overhead - Our customer research shows that approximately 30% of the total spend on hard copy equipment, consumables and service is inefficiencies in managing a printer fleet.  EKM Insight reduces these ineffeciencies and drives down your customer's TCO.  Our technology allows you to actively manage your customer's existing printer fleet and helps you to migrate economically to a new optimized design and service at a pace that suits you.
  • Easy supply chain management and billing for you - Daily meter data collection allows you to configure your billing to suit your established model.  Your customers' supply chain mangement is optimized by using an advanced AI-learning algorithm that takes the hourly collected consumabes data and accurately predicts when a supply needs to be sent.  You can even leverage integrated chain fulfillment and push reordering of supplies to multiple destinations.
  • White label your offering - To achieve the highest value at the lowest operational cost, a number of manufacturers are choosing to white label EKM platforms.  Depending on your sales strategy either as an OEM, technology disstributor, or as an EKM service provder, you can choose to white label your EKM offering for a fluent fit into your services portfolio.  For larger deployments, we can rebrand the entire platform for you, including the endpoint  client DCA's & optional mpsGO™ appliance modules.

IDENTITY Loop identifies if devices are online and maintains an up-to-date list for the other monitor loops. This minimizes network traffic and promotes the efficiency of data collection

TRAY LOOP: Checks trays and media levels, and records to table.

CONSUMABLES LOOP: Checks and validates consumable levels, and records to table. Actions requests according to request rules.

METER READING LOOP: Collects device readings

ALERTS LOOP: Checks device status, and actions device alert messages according to alert rules

IDENTITY LOOP: Checks device availability, and triggers IMAC process if required


Why choose EKM Insight?

Services supporting and managing printer and multi-functional devices that provide print copy and scan functions are today a part of all companies' IT infrastructures and should be managed in the same way as all other IT services.  Like these other IT services, a managed print service should be forward looking, planned, robust and secure, delivering an optimized service for your customer's business and ensuring the highest levels of service availability.

EKM Insight also easily copes with some of the complexities inherent in managing print services.  Here are some of the features that make EKM Insight a compelling proposition.

Printing equipment requires a regular supply of consumables and maintenance services. It is therefore imperative that the location of the printing assets is known and kept up to date to ensure consumables and services are delivered to the right location. Printing equipment can often be moved and with the very best will in the world change control may not trap all of these moves and changes. Active asset moves and change control is therefore at the core of a high-quality print service.

Printing equipment requires replacement consumables to be delivered efficiently and at the right time to maintain the user service but to minimize stock and inventory holding. Therefore, the IT service needs to account for this with intelligent demand forecasting and active supply chain management. It needs to know which consumables to order for which equipment and ensure they are delivered to the right location at the right time.

Printing equipment is certainly an IT asset, but it is also a fine-tuned piece of electromechanical equipment. As such it requires active service and maintenance to be efficiently delivered to maintain high user service availability. This will be more frequent than other IT equipment and requires to be effectively planned and organized to minimize customer disruption and to efficiently utilize service resources to ensure the minimum cost of service delivery.

To ensure optimal value for the business and effective return on the asset value deployed the usage, that is how much is printed, needs to be appropriate to the equipment capability, its performance, and cost. Usage patterns do change in all businesses therefore knowledge of usage is important to ensure the right assets are in the right locations supporting the business in an optimum way. Usage is also a key cost driver associated with consumable consumption and service visits. If a cost per page or cost per copy is the service charging model used this will be directly associated with the cost of the service and a critical item to be correct both for the service provider and the end customer.

Insight software has been designed specifically to address these needs to ensure that Print can be finally managed just like any other IT service, managing the entire service lifecycle from Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transformation and Service Operation with active Continuous Improvement to fully support the principles of ITIL®.

The software is intelligent, learns from your environment and helps both end users and service providers achieve an optimised print service working together.

End-users experience an improved, reliable, and highly available service, Service providers increase their productivity assisting in increasing the service value they can offer to their customers.

Available as a secure cloud service, private cloud service or on premise service with advanced roles and workflows with highly sophisticated remote control capabilities and flexible integration Insight provides the flexibility and value to meet the most diverse and demanding operating requirements.

  • Highest operational productivity – Top quality service delivered with the lowest operational cost
  • Flexibility to provide fully managed services, consumable sales automation, and collaborative customer services
  • Highly productive service delivery scales with minimal additional resource
  • Secure Private cloud service
  • Unrivaled remote control and real-time information for efficient and effective decision support
  • Scales from SME to Large Enterprises functionally, operationally and securely
  • Global data center locations to comply with current and future data protection requirements, scale and performance
  • On-premise option for sensitive customers and onsite service delivery
  • ERP Integration and supply chain optimization
  • Consumables only services
  • Opens new service opportunities to add customer value and expand your market with low-cost sales leads from customers who must order consumables today – why not from you?
  • Distribution price, availability, automatic ordering, and shipment including accounting system integration for low cost, low touch productive customer value
  • Self-Manage your print service should you wish to do so
  • Collaborate efficiently with your Service Provider
  • Manage your internal processes efficiently
  • Active collaborative moves and change management
  • Consumables from Dock to Device
  • Paper replenishment
  • Print equipment load balancing

Video Overview


“EKM Insight provides unrivaled automation for high volume consumables ordering.  It does this predicatively and intelligently not just device by device, but by location, ensuring that deliveries are combined and arrive just in time and in the most economic and environmentally friendly way possible.  No significant intervention is required by users, procurement departments or IT support.  This drastically reduces transaction costs, the cost of administration and consumables inventory and allows you to deploy your staff where they are most needed.” - Edward Ash, Technical MPS Solutions Specialist at EBM